Physics 215C, Quantum Field Theory, Spring 2019

Professor: John McGreevy
Office: 5222 Mayer Hall
mcgreevy at
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 2 -- 4, or by appointment. 

Homework and solutions
Lecture notes
Announcements Date
Please fill out a course evaluation if you have not already. Thanks for your constructive input. 2019.06.10
The last lecture will be today at the usual time in MHA 5623. We will talk about duality in 2+1 dimensions. 2019.06.10
I've added a super-fun new part to problem 1 of HW02. Because I've added it late, it will carry over to HW03. 2019.04.12
Welcome to Physics 215C! Please look at the administrative information (it will be quite familiar) here. 2019.03.28

Text: My lecture notes. Please see the administrative handout for other recommended reading materials.

Course Times: Lecture: MW 12:30p-1:50p Mayer Hall Addition 2623 (note the change relative to 215B).