lecture 01: motivational speech
lecture 02: group definition and examples
lecture 03: group presentations, cayley diagrams, group actions
lecture 04: counting orbits, definition of group representation
lecture 05: basic facts of representation theory
lecture 06: characters
lecture 07: making a character table, the cube problem
lecture 08: projection onto irreps, the group algebra
lecture 09: fusion rings, what is reality?
lecture 10: induced reps, reps of S_n, projective reps
lecture 11: 1d SPTs as examples of projective reps; Lie groups and Lie algebras
lecture 12: BCH, Lie algebra basics, SO(n)
lecture 13: Tensor methods for O(n), begin Cartan-Weyl method
lecture 14: SU(3), building an irrep from its highest weight state
lecture 15: Everything from the simple roots, G_2
lecture 16: Classification of simple Lie algebras, the classical groups
lecture 17: Regular subalgebras, spinor reps from majorana modes
lecture 18: Diagrammatic methods (birdtracks) and O(n) for non-integer n
lecture 19: Birdtracks for SU(n); characters and integrals over a group
lecture 20: Unification: a group theory tour through particle physics