Text: My lecture notes.
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by A. Zee, 2nd edition.
(Available electronically from the UCSD library.)
Other possibly useful texts, which have been placed on reserve at S&E Library, include:
Gauge fields and strings by A.M. Polyakov
Aspects of Symmetry by S. Coleman
(Available electronically from the UCSD library.)
Quantum field theory of many-body systems by X. G. Wen
Quantum Phase Transitions by S. Sachdev
Boulevard of broken symmetries: effective field theories of condensed matter by Adriaan M.J. Schakel
Field theories of condensed matter systems by Eduardo Fradkin
Condensed Matter Field Theory by Alexander Altland And Ben Simons
(Available electronically from the UCSD library.)
Statistical Physics Of Fields Mehran Kardar
Also recommended:
Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by Matthew Schwartz
Modern Quantum Field Theory by Tom Banks
Quantum Field Theory by Mark Srednicki
The Physics of Quantum Fields Mike Stone
Course Times:
Lecture: T-Th 11:00-12:20,
Mayer Hall 5301
Homework: Yes.
Due in class (or dropped off earlier).
Exams: No.
Final paper: Yes, but a short one.