Physics 212C, Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2023

Professor: John McGreevy
mcgreevy at
Office Hours: After lecture, or by email anytime. 

Homework and solutions
Lecture notes
Announcements Date
Thanks for a fun quarter. If you want to see what we would have done next had we had more time, start at lecture 16 here. 2023.06.13
There will be no lecture on Thursday, May 4. We'll make it up during finals week. 2023.04.30
Welcome to Physics 212C. For an attempt at a syllabus, please look at the administrative information here.

The first lecture is Tuesday, April 4, 2023.


Text: My lecture notes. Please see the administrative handout for other recommended reading materials.

Course Times: Lecture: TuTh 11:00p-12:20p.