TASI Lectures on Symmetries in Quantum Matter (four lectures on generalized symmetries and entanglement bootstrap) (2023)
Fractons and Chern-Simons theory (2021)
Basics of quantum phases and entanglement (a lecture at the 2020 Simons Collaboration on Ultra-Quantum Matter summer school) (2020)
Distentangling quantum matter with measurements (2019)
A 3d Ising model with a weakly coupled holographic dual? (2019)
Strange metals from local quantum chaos (2018)
Hierarchical growth of entangled states, or `s-sourcery' (2014-2018)
TASI lectures on quantum matter (with a view toward holographic duality) (2015) (Better notes here.)
New anomalies from the fifth dimension (2014)
Arnold Sommerfeld School lectures on Holography with and without gravity (2013)
Lectures on phases of matter characterized by their edge states (2013)
A gauge theory generalization of the fermion doubling theorem (2013)
Construction of gravitating quantum electron stars (2013)
Fermi surfaces and the construction of quantum electron stars (2012)
Fractionalization and lattice gauge theory (2012)
Strong correlations with string theory (colloquium, 2012)
Non-abelian statistics versus the Witten anomaly (2011)
Condensed matter applications of holographic duality (review talk at DESY, 2010)
Non-fermi liquids from holography (2010)
Holographic descriptions of quantum liquids (Itzykson meeting, June 2009)
String theory duals of galilean critical points (2008)
Uses of string theory (MIT faculty lunch, 2008)
New dimensions for wound strings (2007)
Stringy instantons and quiver gauge theories (2006)
A talk about Nothing (December, 2005) -- please note the capital `N'.
Topological strings from lattice fermions (May, 2005)
The matrix harmonic oscillator as a string theory (November, 2004)
Supercritical duals of unstable branes (May, 2004)
Holographic duality of topological strings (March, 2003)