Physics 213, Quantum Information, Winter 2023: Final papers

Author Title
Anthony Aportela Reeh-Schlieder Theorem: Unraveling Intuition
Will Brunner Active Error Correction of Zero Temperature Topological Quantum Memory
Eugene Chen On the RG running of the entanglement entropy of a circle
Yu-Hsueh Chen Effects of local decoherence on topological order
Zichen He Boson Sampling
Chen Li Quantum Fano's Inequality
Xiang Li A short introduction to quantum cellular automata and their classification in one and two dimensions
Ting-Chun Lin What is ... Entanglement Bootstrap?
Qiyu Liu An introduction to Shor's algorithm
Lingyuan Lyu The QMA Hard (and also hard) Local Hamiltonian Groundstate Problem
Morgan Makhina The Quantum Marginal Problem
Simon Martin Detection of Topological Order in Gapped Quantum Spin Liquids
Rolando Ramirez-Camasca Area law and the s-sourcery framework
Owen Santoso Brief review of the Petz recovery map and its applications
Xiaoyi Wu Why and when does statistical mechanics work for isolated quantum systems? Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
Runqiu Xu Preliminaries: how, in the presence of symmetries, locality restricts unitaries
Jerry (Jieyu) Yan Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
Wenrui Yang Measurement-based computation with symmetry-protected phases in 1D